教育部績優志工團競賽 榮獲志能服務獎!
Our volunteer group has been awarded as the 2021 Most Outstanding Volunteer Group by Taiwan’s Ministry of Education!
宜蘭大溪&大里 相見歡
Today, volunteers from Kang Chiao and Wego arrived at Daxi Elementary School. This is the first time these volunteers and children have met in person.
Beyond Horizon 青少年志工團正式成軍
Beyond Horizon Youth Volunteers is officially launched! After over a month of recruitment, over 70 volunteers will join our group and begin providing service to six rural sites.
Beyond Horizon的起點
In the summer of 2020, nine volunteers gathered to serve a local church in Yulin. The program was supposed to end along with the break, but all the volunteers found the experience touching and inspiring...